9/7/24: Despite the recent fish kill, the river continues to fish very well as long as you concentrate your efforts on the river two+ miles below the reservoir. With the lack of fishing pressure it's almost like opening day without the crowds. We continue to see good hatches of midges, Tricos, BWO's and caddis every day. The water is still a little warm so look for that riffle and pocket water where the river has good oxygen levels and you will find willing and happy trout. All of your favorite techniques will work but with the latest drop in the river flow it's hard to beat a good old dry/dropper rig. Don't forget, we have 30 miles of amazing trout water below Bridgeport Reservoir!
RECOMMENDED FLIES: Frenchie 16-20, Duracell 14-18, Perdigons 16-20, Blowtorch 12-16, GTI Caddis 12-16, Sexy Walt 12-16, Sears' Slayer 16-18, WD's 18-22, Black Beauty 18-22, Trout Crack 18-22, Rainbow Warrior 18-20, Darth Baetis 18-20, Juju Baetis 18-20, Micro Mayfly 18-20, Poxyback Stone 6-10, Rubberlegs 6-10, Deep Sparkle Pupae 16-20, Fox's Poopah 16-20, Graphic Caddis 16-20, Z Wing Caddis 16-20, Nori's Caddis 16-18, Bird's Nest 16-20, Para Adams 18-22, Sparkle Dun 18-22, Iris Caddis 16-20, E/C Caddis 16-20, Missing Link 16-20, X Caddis 16-20, Chubby Chernobyl 6-10, Bionic Ant 14-10, Foam Beetle 12-18, Morrish Hopper 8-12, Para Hopper 8-12, MOAL 8-10, Sculpzilla 6-8, Zuddler 6, Mini Dungeon 6, Baby Gonga 8, Dirty Hippy 4.
7/26/24: The creek has dropped to around 20 cfs and is running low and clear. Most of the fish are hiding out under the weed beds so your best option is to fish the open lanes and hope you can coax a trout into coming out to play. Dry/droppers are the way to go this time of year. Caddis, Trico's, midges, BWO's and terrestrials are all on the menu.
RECOMMENDED FLIES: Sexy Walt 16-18, Thread Frenchy 16-20, Perdigons 18-20, BP Weiss Nymph 18-20, Jigged Magic 16-18, GTI Caddis 12-16, Zebra Midge 18-22, WD's 20-22, Brassie 18-22, Graphic Caddis 16-20, Pearl Caddis 16-20, Z Wing Caddis 16-20, Micro Mayfly 18-20, JuJu Baetis 18-22, Poxyback Baetis 18-20, BWO Sparkle Dun 18-22, Para Adams 18-22, E/C Caddis 18-22, X Caddis 18-22, Missing Link 16-20, Parachute Caddis 18-22, Upright Organza Trico Spinner 18-22, Bionic Ant 14-16, Antacid 12-14, Foam Beetle 10-16, Morrish Hopper 8-12.
7/26/24: Reds Meadow Road is now open for the summer but only on fridays, saturdays, sundays and holidays thanks to the ongoing road construction. All the campgrounds are closed except for Reds Meadow which means a little longer walk to access most of the river. Recent thunderstorm activity has bumped the flows here and there but the fishing continues to be good. Fishing small dries will bring up aggressive trout or add a small bead head nymph for even more grabs. The one upside to the roadwork is that the fishing pressure has been extremely light and the trout are relatively easy to fool.
RECOMMENDED FLIES: Stimulator 14-18, E/C Caddis 14-18, Para Adams 12-18, Yellow Humpy 14-18, Royal Wulff 14-18, Elk Hair Caddis 14-18, Missing Link 14-18, Stubby Chubby 14, Para Hopper 10-14, Bionic Ant 10-14, Foam Beetle 14-18, Soft Hackle P.T. 16-18, Micro Mayfly 16-20, Copper John 16-18, BH Prince 16-18.
7/26/24: The fishing on the upper river is good for mostly small wild fish and hatchery rainbows. As always, there are a few big fish around so stay ready. Nymhing will be your best tactic for numbers and size but you can find some trout coming up for dries early and late in the day.
RECOMMENDED FLIES: Micro Mayfly 16-20, Juju Baetis 18-20, Pheasant Tail 16-20, Darth Baetis 18-20, Fox's Poopah 16-20, Graphic Caddis 18-20, Pearl Caddis 16-20, Deep Sparkle Pupae 16-20, Hotwire Prince 14-18, Amber Wing Prince 14-18, Glo Bug 14-18, San Juan Worm 10-12, Upright Organza Trico Spinner 20-22, Para Adams 16-20, Sparkle Dun 18-20, X Caddis 16-20, E/C Caddis 16-20, Elk Hair Caddis 16-20, Missing Link 16-20, Zuddler 6-8, Home Invader 6-8, Gonga 6-8, Mini Dungeon 8.
7/26/24: Flows on the lower river are starting to come down but it's still too darn hot for us. We'll see you down there this fall!